Burning Bushes

Burning Bush Last week our parish held Vacation Bible School. Five days of Wild West fun looking at the life of Moses. I coordinated the crafts for the elementary kids, studying the familiar stories of Moses for inspiration. Tuesday looked at Moses' call through the burning bush which led to a design for a Burning Bush Night Light and a lot of reflection on the different ways God talks to us. In my younger years I longed for a burning bush in my life. Concrete proof of God and direction on what the heck I should be doing. Actually, I always said a letter would be nice, falling from the sky, gently landing in my lap, containing directions and instruction for those life decisions and times of crisis.

Layer tissue paper to create flames


IMG_0342[1]But we are called to walk by faith, at least that's how it's worked in my life, blind faith most of the time. Instead of burning bushes, calls in the night, messages from angels, pushes off horses (to name a few), God's call for me has been in an infrequent sense of his presence, a coming together of circumstances and the grace of faith when I needed it most. I've also realized that even for those that receive a special call much of their response is accomplished in times of spiritual dryness and disbelief. I know I am in good company when I cry out as the father did in Mark 9:24 "I do believe, help my unbelief!" So I answer each day, "Here I am" as Moses did, buoyed on my faith journey by the Communion of Saints that stands behind me. Not really a 'blind faith' journey after all, with their example to follow. Maybe I don't need my own personal burning bush (or heavenly letter) because I have the legacy of theirs.

Just in case, here's how to make your own burning bush.

Materials: 9oz clear plastic cup, electric tea light, permanent markers, red, orange and yellow tissue paper, white glue, water, paint brush

Directions: With the markers draw your idea of a bush around the outside of the cup. Mix a small amount of white glue with water to a thin consistency. Tear pieces of red, yellow and orange tissue paper to fit inside of the cup. Lay pieces of the tissue inside of the cup and paint the glue over the tissue to hold in place. Layer the yellow, orange and red tissue pieces around the inside of the cup to look like flames.  When dry place the electric tea light inside and answer God's call!

Blessings, Carolyn